EREMA Discovery Day, June 1st, 2023

Odour-optimised, food-compliant and tailored to the application: Under the motto "Recycling, ecofresh!" we will be presenting energy-efficient innovations for a new era of polyolefin and PET recycling at the EREMA Discovery Day – on 1 June 2023 in Ansfelden, Austria.

Look forward to exciting lectures and a recycling performance show -  with many machine demonstrations and live insights into the latest post-consumer and bottle technologies. One of the highlights: The opening of the new EREMA R&D Centre at the Ansfelden site. 

On the evening before, 31 May 2023, we invite all visitors of the EREMA Discovery Day to a gala dinner! Here we will celebrate our 40th company anniversary together with you!

Here you will fined the programme and the opportunity to register: Discovery Day (


Julia Krentl

Corporate Communication
Unterfeldstraße 3
4052 Ansfelden, AUSTRIA
Phone: +43 732 3190 6092