Trioplast - - - - France
Quality at the press of a button
Quality at the press of a button

The Trioplast Group is an international producer of agricultural plastics film with an annual turnover of around 400 million euros. As a major raw material client of polyethylene, the Swedish group sees its responsibility in the efficient use of resources, processes production and commercial waste on a total of around 30 EREMA recycling systems. At the French plant in Pouancé (located in the west coast area) the new technology investment QualityOn:MVR guarantees for the first time permanent quality control of the recycling process – directly on the machine. 
Trioplast France produces agricultural plastics films in Pouancé. The LDPE and LLDPE production and post used waste is recycled on two EREMA 1514 TVEplus® machines. The regranulates are mainly used for wide sheet film production, sold under the TRIOCARE brand. Additional material sources for the recycling process include production and commercial waste from Trioplast and from other European suppliers. The recycling process faces a number of challenges due to many various criteria such as prints, contaminants or the degree of moisture through transport and frequent outdoor storage. Despite the considerably varying input material, the quality of the regranulates produced must be ensured at the end of the recycling process.
Trioplast equipped one of its EREMA 1514 TVEplus® machines with a new process for quality monitoring – QualityOn:MVR. Jérôme Klaeyle, Recycling Manager of Trioplast France, refers to QualityOn:MVR as an investment in the decisive lead. "Trioplast stands for high-quality film with our premium TRIOCARE brand. Thanks to QualityOn:MVR we achieve a previously unattained level of process reliability in recycling which we definitely consider to be a lead over other film producers. We already determine the quality of the recyclate during the recycling process, unlike others who don't do this until after."

Variable input – stable output

The QualityOn:MVR measuring unit is mounted directly on the recycling system and measures the MVR value in real time every couple of minutes – depending on the viscosity of the melt. The data is exported automatically according to the customer's wishes and can be called up at any time. A message is given for the user as soon as the values measured leave the defined tolerance range and the user can then remove the material with nonconforming MVR values immediately from the current process. Customers who recycle commercial waste benefit in particular from QualityOn:MVR measuring technology. Developed originally for the increased demands in post-consumer recycling, it is insensitive to contaminant particles from 100 to 1,000 μm – a clear advantage over online measuring systems with gear pump technology.

About Trioplast

Founded in Sweden in 1965 the group has 1,250 employees working in ten production sites and sales companies in Sweden (7), Denmark (1) and France (2) and sales agencies in Germany, England, Finland and Norway. Typical film products can be found in the industrial, agricultural, food and also hygiene sectors. The Trioplast Group has a total of around 30 EREMA systems and one ISEC machine from PURE LOOP.

Application: Inhouse & industrial recycling
Materials: PE blown film
Product category: INTAREMA
Modell Details: 1514 TVEplus mit QualityOn:MVR
Thanks to QualityOn:MVR we achieve a previously unattained level of process reliability in Recycling. We already determine the quality of the recyclate during the recycling process, unlike others who don't do this until after.

Jérôme Klaeyle

Recycling Manager of Trioplast France

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